• September 07, 2024
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    You've been registered on montebellofirefighters.com L8321 association page.  If you haven't been given  your log in info yet, please contact me at Josh.Reyna@montebellofirefighters.com

    Thank you,

    L3821 Secretary

    First Name: *
    Last Name: *
    Postal Code: *

    Cell Phone:

    Format (no spaces or dashes): xxxxxxxxxx
    Select Your Cell Phone Provider:

    Send Me Text Message Alerts:
    E-Mail Address: *

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    (Check all that apply to you)

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    Choose Username: *

    (DO NOT use spaces)
    Choose Password: *
    Password Strength:

    Strong passwords contain 3 of the following items and at least 6 characters:

    - Uppercase Letters
    - Lowercase Letters
    - Numbers
    - Symbols
    Click the Preview button below to review the registration information on the next page.

    * Required Fields
  • IAFF Local 3821

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